söndag 6 april 2014

Iron Ore Supply Contract Helpdesk and Correspondence With Us

Giuelith Timantti Limited (Ltd). Metal Trading Co. United Kingdom is the registered subsidiary of Giuen Invest Management Offshore Limited Group of Corporations.

You can use our email linership@yandex.com for dialog within the framework of interactive contracting, negotiations, mediation, suggestions, complaints, and feedback. This email address is used on a daily basis for the purposes of communication concerning contracting of iron ore supply contracts for a cost-effective solution to initial contract negotiations. All email correspondence to linership@yandex.com or alternatively linership@yandex.ru or linership@yandex.kz are treated within the policy framework for Public Information (PI) during our Public Private Partnership policy (PPP) of Giuen Invest Management Offshore Ltd. (GMOL), London, United Kingdom. If you have any objections or issues around contracting and instead choose to contact us by phone so it is good to call our helpdesk which is registered under a Norwegian telephone service provider (Telenor Norge) in a Swedish subsidiary. Telephone Helpdesk for Giuelith Timantti Ltd. Metal Trading Company or contract inquiries regarding iron ore supply contracting, Helpdesk. Call/dial: 0046705474830.
These are cost-effective services for our international operations, as well as effective tools in our work internationally.

More information about structural guidelines for iron ore supply contracting can be viewed at: https://sites.google.com/site/ironorecommodity/ or other resources related to the Giuelith Timantti Ltd. online.

Yandex.Mail is a free email service that is also one of the most popular mail services in Russia. Mail.yandex.com is a domain maintained by 2 domain name servers ns2.yandex.net, ns1.yandex.net. Domain name is registered under com top level domain (TLD). Web content is published by web server nginx. More about the service of webserver you can find here http://help.yandex.com/mail/faq/yandex-undelivered-messages.xml


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